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Descendant List
Mission Statement

We are the Descendants of William & Abigail Staples (DWAS) and our mission is to highlight, uplift, and promote our rich family history. We aspire to continuously share ancestral information amongst each other and to enlighten all subsequent generations with this knowledge in order to sustain the memory of those who came before us that paved the way for the Staples Family to thrive and prosper throughout the years. We strive to instill in our children the belief that knowing one’s history better prepares them for the future, and by doing so, places our youth in a strong position to handle the myriad of challenges that life will present.


Our primary event - The Staples Family Reunion – is an annual gathering of relatives, spouses, children, and friends for the purpose of fellowship, celebration, and family history education. The Reunion serves as a platform to execute DWAS goals and perpetuate the Mission.

© 2023 The Descendants of William & Abigail Staples

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